Photo I / Black & White Photography: Processes, Traditions, & Aesthetics
An introductory studio course in black and white photography; curriculum emphasis is on the development of basic camera and darkroom technique, the fundamentals of composition, and fostering critical thinking skills related to the creative process, tradition, and aesthetic of photographic practice. Course structure includes technique demonstration, darkroom printing, exposure to artists through lecture, and participatory student critique and exchange.
The first half of the course is designed to develop and refine formal and technical skills. Students are assigned projects in which they are tasked to shoot and develop film, print contact sheets, and enlarge prints showcasing their investigation of the particular assignment’s venture. In the second half of the course, students propose a concept of their choosing in which to base a cohesive photo series. With guidance and development the resulting portfolio consists of ten or more prints that show a further refinement of their skills, any experimentation regarding technique, and an elevated focus given to the concept they pursue for the series.
I was the instructor of record for this course in the fall semester of 2012, 2013, and 2014. I was responsible for two sections each semester. This course is listed as Art & Design 117 in Purdue University’s course catalog.